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Sustainable Finance

The hidden EU cash that no one’s talking about

Europe needs fresh investment to support its green industry in the face of global competition. Unspent covid recovery funds and ETS revenues provide j...


L’histoire se répète

L’histoire se répète

Is the leasing sector stalling progress on electrification in France?


Battery-electric is now the most popular for new city buses in the EU

But until regulation catches up with the momentum for zero-emission buses, European busmakers risk being blindsided by soaring demand and emerging for...


It’s governments’ turn to prepare for the green trucking revolution

The new truck CO2 law provides investment certainty for Europe's trucking industry to go zero emissions. EU member states now need to get the charging...

Cars, Energy, Planes, Ships, Trucks

Double or quits for climate president Von der Leyen

Batteries, Cars, Energy

European Elections: The Ecological Transition, a Guarantee of Well-Being


A smart industrial policy to fast-charge Europe’s electric vehicles revolution

With 1 in 4 EVs sold in Europe this year likely to be made in China, the EU needs a strong industrial policy to stop the undermining of the industrial...


Monitoring of contrails from planes

Plane to see

Why is the monitoring of contrails from planes causing controversy?


Carmakers thinking of pivoting back to plug-in hybrids should think again

Just as official data confirms that PHEVs emit far more than claimed, the old technology risks undermining European OEMs’ efforts to compete with Chin...


A streamlined EV ‘eco-score’ would encourage green, made-in-Europe electric cars

By setting up a framework to foster resource, climate and energy efficiency in EVs, the EU can reduce the impact of cars beyond tailpipe emissions


The misguided fight against the 2025 cars target 

Some carmakers are already compliant two years prior or are close – and there are still many paths to reach the 2025 target.


The WTO has ruled in favour of the EU on palm oil biodiesel. What now for soy?

The EU Commission has until now shied away from making a decision on whether to phase out soy biodiesel, most likely to avoid further disputes at the ...